Sunday 22 September 2013

Workshop Descriptions

Full Day Workshop: Retire to the Life You Design©  (6 hrs.)

Using all of our processes and tools, you begin to create a plan to retire to the life that you design yourself, a retirement unique to you.
Understanding the six key areas of life will help you to achieve balance in your retirement. You will have an opportunity to explore numerous and diverse leisure and volunteer activities that match your own interests and skills. You will learn seven ways to continue to work on your own terms, if you wish to do so.

I can also offer half-day sessions, lunch-and-learn overviews, or seminars tailored to your needs and preferences.
Retirement Preferences (3 hrs.)
Retirement Dimensions© will help you discover who you are and what you need in order to truly enjoy your retirement. Retirement Dimensions©  provides an opportunity to assess your values, personal strengths, concerns, interests, relationship preferences and philosophy of retirement. Understanding your personal blend of the four personality temperaments will give you the information you need to start preparing for your retirement.

You can also use your new understandings as discussion points with people who are important in your life to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of each other. 
The Next Step: The Six Circles of Life©  (3 hrs)
Understanding the six key areas of life will help you to achieve balance in your retirement. You will have an opportunity to explore numerous and diverse leisure and volunteer activities that match your own interests and skills. You will learn seven ways to continue to work on your own terms, if you wish to do so.
In addition, you will consider how to create meaning in your life as you move through a number of life transitions, and think about the legacy that you wish to leave - how you want to be remembered.

There’s more to retirement than golf and travel, the two most common interests of past retirees. Today, boomers and pre-boomers are re-inventing a retirement in which anything is possible.
Retirement is a bit like exploring a new career, much like young adults are doing and continue to do throughout life. Considering we could live another thirty or so years, often as long as we have been in the work force already, this is not such a strange analogy.

Nell Smith, Founder

Retire to the Life You Design©
If you are considering retirement, you may be wondering what to do with your time.
If you have been retired for a few years, you may be finding that you are becoming bored with a ’life of leisure’. 
Perhaps you are entering a second retirement phase and need to rethink your priorities. 
Our workshops can help you begin to create a plan to retire to the life that you design yourself, a retirement unique to you.
Retire to the Life You Design© provides a guided and personal process of self-exploration that will help you connect who you are with possibilities for your future – life planning from the inside out.  The workshops will equip you with tools, models, information and resources to help you continue your exploration and discovery after the workshop ends.