Wednesday 3 September 2014

Back to School for Boomers: Online Learning for a Lifetime

Take a Lesson, a new article on by Judy Gerstel tells about exciting opportunities for continuing learning. She says:

"Maybe you want to be more in control of your life. Maybe you want to learn about flight vehicle aerodynamics, the challenges of global poverty or even Scandinavian film and television.
If you haven’t already experienced a MOOC — that’s Massive Online Open Course — now is a good time to check them out.
The courses are offered on line at no cost to tens of thousands of people. They’re organized and taught by faculty from first-rate universities, including University of Toronto.
There are two major sites. is an international consortium including Canadian universities. is an initiative of Harvard and M.I.T., with faculty from several first rate American schools.
You can audit a course with no obligation to complete assignments or interact in any way. Or, you can register with a commitment to participate and complete assignments and be rewarded with a certificate of achievement.
And it’s all free."
Check out the links. I'm sure you'll find something of interest - songwriting? social entrepreneurship? global warming? nanotechnology? online games?
It might be fun to do a course with a group of friends to keep you motivated and involved.