Tuesday 26 May 2015

Estate Planning: Top 10 Mistakes

A recent online article on Everything Zoomer lists ten common mistakes that people make when planning their estates.

"In an ideal world, we would live long, healthy lives with just enough warning of our impending demise to get our affairs in order. In reality, many of us won’t get that chance. We could die unexpectedly, or an illness or disability could rob us of the ability to make decisions for ourselves. We might procrastinate a little too long and leave our loved ones without the information they need during a stressful and difficult time.

Estate planning is a difficult task to tackle, but one that shouldn’t be rushed. Watch for these common mistakes."

The list of common mistakes:

Mistake #1:   Not having a plan
Mistake #2:   Thinking all you need is a will
Mistake #3:   Automatically leaving everything to your spouse
Mistake #4:   Choosing the wrong executor
Mistake #5:   Assuming lawyers are always right
Mistake #6:   Steering clear of lawyers altogether
Mistake #7:   Not having a medical or advanced directive
Mistake #8:   Tying up all your cash
Mistake #9:   Not reviewing your plan
Mistake #10: Being disorganized

Click on this link Estate Planning: Top 10 Mistakes to get the whole story on each item. They're worth thinking about!

I would also suggest that you have a good, accessible financial advisor, one who knows you and understands your values and goals, and can advise you, not only on your investments, but also on planning your estate. 

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