Saturday 31 May 2014

5 Best Ways to Lose the Clutter for Keeps

We have a LOT of stuff that we have accumulated over the years. I am working hard at filling a box a week - that's 52 boxes in a year, right?

"We spend the first half of our lives acquiring things, and the second half getting rid of them. 

Sound familiar?"

Suzanne Gerber, in an article on Next Avenue, says:
"If your home is overflowing withstuff, you’re not alone. It’s all too easy to accumulate worldly goods. And while many of those things are probably lovely and full of emotional resonance, in the aggregate, they’re cluttering your life physically and energetically. It’s hard to move forward (let alone move) when your home resembles a well-packed self-storage unit.
There are all sorts of strategies to clearing out your possessions, ranging from doing it in one fell swoop to hiring a professional organizer to doing it in increments, like getting a big box and one by one, placing in it items you might be willing to part with. All of these approaches can work — once you’ve flipped the mental switch.
While that sounds simple, anyone who’s struggled with this understands the psychological and emotional challenges of throwing out, giving away or selling beloved possessions. (And simply reminding ourselves that we “can’t take it with us” doesn’t help.)"

Gerber recounts five stories, that could help you take your first, or next step. The first step might not be as hard as you think!

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