Saturday 31 May 2014

Sharing the gift of memories

My china cabinet is full - full of things that I love and things that connect me to special people in my life. My son looked at it the other day and sighed . . . .

I decided to take the opportunity to tell him a few stories about some of the things on the shelves that evoked special memories. My 12-year-old granddaughter listened with interest, and I decided that it was time to start sharing the things as well as the stories. She was thrilled to take home her dad's Bunnykins cereal bowl and a ceramic cup that her great-grandmother had made for her dad in 1974. To her, these things were special because she had heard the stories that were a part of them. 

I asked my son if there was anything he would like to have at some time, and it became a running joke for the rest of the weekend. He suggested the fridge and my husband's truck!

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